Monday 23 April 2012

Rest and recuperation, ready for VLM....

Yes, you read that right, I managed to acquire myself a spot for Virgin London Marathon, after Bryony's brother-in-law's cousin (?!) was unable to run due to injury.

After our last long run (20 miles) at the end of March, I had the hair-brained idea to actively search for a Marathon spot, as I figured I'd never train that hard ever again and with it being Olympic year, it had to be done really!

So spot secured, it was time for a little break and the "tapering" to begin.  I actually had a 2-week holiday in Australia booked, so I couldn't think of a nicer spot to relax and bring the mileage down.
A few shorter runs and the opportunity to have a nice dip in the sea after, followed by some amazing sunsets like below, was just what the physio ordered....

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